Publication is only possible after confirmation of the grades by the doctoral committee (PST) and after notification by the doctoral office!
The required templates and documents can be found under “Documents and Services” – “Publication”.
Infos Design Deckblatt and Titelseite:
If you have any further questions, e.g. exact design of title pages, please refer to our FAQs or contact the team at the Dissertationsstellen der Universitätsbibliothek der FAU.
The following forms of publication (see also the valid doctoral regulations) are possible:
- Option 1: “Electronic publication (OPEN FAU)”
The signed application form „Antrag auf Vollzug“ must be submitted to the Economic and Social Sciences Branch Library in Nürnberg (E-Mail:
Infos/Instructions for publication in OPEN FAU: (upload with IDM ID or FAU e-mail address) or FAQs OPEN FAU;
Infos Design Deckblatt and Titelseite:
Contact: Dissertationsstelle der Universitätsbibliothek (UB) in Erlangen, E-Mail:
For essay-based theses: Please remember to add a blocking notice to your thesis when uploading if parts of essay-based dissertations are still in the review process. Please send this – signed by you and your reviewer – to the doctoral office for approval. You can find the document here.
- Option 2: “Publishing publication”
The application for a publisheing publication and publishing contract (minimum number of copies: 150) must be submitted to the Economic and Social Sciences Branch Library in Nuremberg (E-mail:; Copie (Cc) doctoral office.
Within one year (date of the oral examination) 6 copies of the book printed by the publisher must be handed in at the Economics and Social Sciences Branch Library together with the application for completion
- Option 3: “FAU University Press”
The signed application form must be submitted to the Economic and Social Sciences Branch Library in Nuremberg (E-mail: before you have signed the FAU publishing contract. 6 copies must be submitted if the complete work marked as a dissertation is also published electronically by the FAU University Press (
Contact: FAU University Press, E-mail:
Doctoral degree Certificate
After the candidate has fulfilled all obligations, the doctoral degree is awarded by handing over the doctoral degree certificate. Only after receiving the doctoral degree certificate does the doctoral candidate have the right to use the doctoral title.